
Nov 18, 2010 03:11

While I don't exactly know what is going on with my hormones and why I'm suddenly like a raging teenager as opposed to a 26 year old adult over some very ridiculous things, I DID get an awesome reminder of why I do do...what I do tonight.

It was a game of TF2 with my usual clan, what consists of the United Nations, and I was off team for awhile and it so turned out one of our Norweigian lot on the server wanted some advice on her triumvirate of dystopian novels: 1984, Brave New World and Farenheit 451.

Not only did it inspire me to go back and read 451 which I am doing tomorrow, it was such an awesome thrill to have someone listen to all I had to say on the issue of Dystopia which she was INTERESTED to hear rather than 'no please shut up Ash, we don't care how into the book you are'.

But...as much as I tease first years or gently mock undergrads, I think I'm in the rarity where I like teaching them. As PhD Comics confirms you always get that ONE who is a 'grad student in the making' who really finds what you're talking about interesting.

And if you touch it quite right you can get the LOT of them thinking about something unusual. Like presenting economic problems vis a vis the Shire and Moria and Rivendell in LOTR.

But maybe I feel a little better at the end of the day. I do wish I could figure out...or...well maybe I just hope that once my period is done I'm going to be normal. It's so bizzare to me to be so...emotional.I've never been a slave to my hormones like some women, but it seems to be that when it hits, it hits HARD and I'm really hoping that's the basic reason for it.

feeling good, hormones can suck my balls, school

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