bored now. Have a meme!
Grrr, I wish I understood sequential art. If I had time I'd so be all over some kind of lesson.
But anyway. Meme.
1. Answer each question the opposite of how you’d really answer it.
2. Underneath your opposite answer, write what you’d really say. Make sure you can tell the difference between your opposite answer and yer real one.
3. Tag three or more people afterwards.
1. What’s your favorite color?
-- Tangerine Orange. It makes me think of the kind of fugly colour that all your friends make you wear as a bridesmaid when you get married.
++ Turquoise or vermillion. Can't decide.
2. Who’s your favorite band?
-- Panic! At the Disco.
++ Arch Enemy/Bad Religion/Metallica/The Planet Smashers/...yeah, I admit it. Shamelessly: Dethklok.
3. What’s your favorite song?
-- Caramel Dansen
++ ....this is really hard. We could be here all day. Um, I'll just go with Three Minutes Clapping since I've been listening to that quite a bit.
4. Who’s your favorite actor/actress?
-- Orlando Bloom (Okay, as much as I love some of the movies he's been in? THE MAN HAS ONE FACIAL EXPRESSION. In fact, I want to see Elizabethtown for this PARTICULAR reason, as I could not RECOGNIZE HIM in that preview because he actually cracked a fuckin' smile!)
++ Adam Sandler (Popeye's Chicken is fuckin' awesome!), Jack Black (Would you tell Picasso to sell one of HIS guitars?!), Nicole Kidman (Moulin Rouge. In general.) Jennifer Aniston (OFFICE SPACE.)
5. What’s your favorite article of clothing?
-- Enormous stomachholdy-in granny panties.
++ ...anything I can wear that makes me look good?
6. Your favorite decade?
-- The I can't think of anything about them.
++ Oh dear. Okay...The 80ies and early 90ies. Yeah. Yeah, I swear it's cause of the music and the cartoons.
7. Your style you just love to draw all the time?
++ Whatever you want to call my style. That and cityscapes. But that's more of a subject. I guess. Crosshatching cityscapes.
8. Hair style?
-- ...Bald?
++ Long enough that I can do something with it - at least put it up if I want to.
9. Your favorite season of the year?
-- Summer
++ Mid-to-Late Fall and late winter/Early Spring. Mostly when it's either raining or cold enough to wear a coat, but not freezing enough to bust out all the rest of the weather gear.
10. Genre of music?
-- Bouncy cutesy music sung by underage teenage boys/girls. Of any country.
++ Classic rock, metal (black melodic if you want to get super specific), punk rock, ska.
11. Favorite beverage?
-- hard liquor
++ beer/hard cider
12. Favorite food?
-- I know there's stuff I really can't stand, but as in many cases, it's not quite enough to answer this question. I guess I'll put shrimp since I'm allergic to them and thus can't eat them.
++ Steak, potatoes, and pretty well anything tasty and edible.
13. Favorite class in school?
-- Macroeconomics.
++ Medieval Lit (No really. Nobody saw this coming did they?)
14. Your favorite video game?
-- Racing Games (..oh how much I suck at them - it's FUNNY. And embaressing when I get beaten by drunk people.)
++ Can't beat a good, solid RPG. Or fighting games.
15. Place to live?
-- I could never live in a consistently hot climate for more than a few months at a time.
++ Um...I'm not picky as long as I can get food, electicity and working toilets.
16. Interesting one: Your favorite smell?
++ the just-finished-raining smell.
17. Favorite thing to do when you're bored?
-- Bust out my big book of Charles Dickens stories and start brushing up on my Viclit.
++ Hang out with friends / read / write / watch stupid movies/ RP and apparently fill out memes.
18. Your favorite animal?
-- Fish creep me out.
++ Horses, dogs and HEDGEHOGS. (I have my stuffed one sitting next to my Axel figure. The resemblence is uncanny.)
19. Another weird one: Favorite fabric for your clothes?
-- that spandexy-like shit that clings to you like mad...but isn't spandex.
++ Silk.
20. What is your favorite musical instrument?
-- I have some serious issues with tuning violins or other stringed instruments, but I otherwise like how the instrument sounds.
++ I love most instruments