A Mid-Summer's Update

Jun 22, 2006 13:55

Well, the fun never stops!

As you all know, I got a part as Sir Martin Frobisher at VaRF. I auditioned for street cast/nobles guilde, and wound up with the heroic lead. I had doubts and trepidations right up to opening...can we all say 'stage fright'? But it went well, I had a good time, and saw many of you there. VaRF has a solid future, and if you didn't go this year, you should really think about it next year. Change is in the air...good change.

As for personal change, I've moved AGAIN! Yes, but this time it should stick a while. I've moved in with Betty Hardison, one of the main stays at the Dragon Inn. Betty and I have been seeing each other for a while. When her lease came up, the realty company wanted to jack up her rent about 15%. Her budget got strained. I had moved into a basement apartment in Lusby, which was nice enough, but if you've ever been in Chesapeake Ranch Estates (formerly The Ranch Club), well, I just don't fit in there. Betty and I consolidated forces and moved into a town home in Chesapeake Beach, immediately east of Roland's Market, and about 300 yards from the Rod and Reel Resort. The place is still mostly boxes and empty book shelves, but we'll fix that with time. It's a lovely, multi-level place, with room for our stuff, and we can cut out the 40 mile one way trips to see each other. It's also much closer to MDRF than either of us have ever been. Good times!

Summer schedule has me traveling June 24-July 2 to visit my folks in IL (Pop's not doing so well - sigh), and again July 9-15 to the Eastern Shore for Boy Scout summer camp with Reed and Rhett. Then July 20-25 to FL for a family event. Whew! Can I rest then? No...Aug brings birthday parties, cast party for VaRF, and MDRF opening. I love November...I get to sleep!

I'm doing well, though. I'm more me than I've been in a long time, and I do it all day, every day. OK, back to the grind stone...
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