Nov 03, 2007 04:05

It is four o'clock in the morning and I haven't had any sleep. I've been having insomnia all through the week. I called Apria this morning to find out if they had shipped the new mask for my CPAP only to be told that it will be shipped Monday. Seems they were having trouble with their computer system and had to re-load my insurance information. Once shipped it will take 3-4 days to get here. Lovely. Another week of insomnia. ARRGHHHH!

Oh, if you don't know what a CPAP is, it's a machine that forces pressurized air through a tube into a mask that you wear over your nose. It's for people who have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a condition where you stop breathing while you sleep. I have obstructive sleep apnea which basically means that while sleeping the tissues of my throat loosen so much that they block my air passage. My body jerks awake...only not completely awake, just enough so I can breathe. Wash rinse repeat all through the night. When I was initially tested by Apria, they said I stopped breathing roughly around 40 times a minute.

Anyway, due to financial difficulties (AKA being flat broke), I have been way overdue to getting my mask replaced. It's supposed to be replaced every six months. I think it's been a year. It's worn out and basically doesn't work anymore because it has to seal around your nose and it's not doing it. So even if I do manage to fall asleep...I'm not really sleeping. And lately I'm having trouble even getting to sleep.

Which means that I have been exhausted the last couple of weeks. I'm not a nice person when I'm exhausted (well is anybody?).

Lately I've been having the damndest urge to buy a bottle of rum.

insomnia, sleep apnea

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