Jan 09, 2017 21:03
Part of this process of writing here again digs into the underlying issue of needing to write, even when not motivated. Well, today isn't so much lack of motivation as lack of things to say.
But perhaps that's not completely genuine. How much of it is just feeling like putting thoughts that simmer on back burners even farther back, as if there were a cascading chain of back burners to simmer shit upon? How big is the stove? That is the question and the answer.
So in that regard I suppose this is partially about pulling some pots off the stove so that it's less likely to overflow.
Some would call that fighting procrastination. I call it putting off the proverbial fighting.
Some of those pots can stink to high heaven because they've not received proper attention for so long. Despite that, sometimes a keen sense of smell is required to sniff those pots out.
Anyway, enough metaphors. One can't continue to be blinded by endless coruscation; one has to face their dark realities from time to time. I guess that's what I'm saying.
Not that I feel particularly dark today, because I don't. Today has been a good day actually, one spent partially in the kitchen and partially at the computer working. It felt balanced, for the most part, and this more often than not spawns happiness. Oh, don't get me wrong; I do love the exaltation of new experience and imagination. But that's only part of the equation. :)
Totally on an unrelated side note, the word "defenestration" just popped into my head for some odd reason. Can I defenestrate the old and infenestrate the new? I say "yes, damnit!"