IMPORTANT! Just for the record
Is this your first application here or are you re-applying? This is my first application.
Which season(s) do you want to get character votes from? Any season is fine by me, really.
I want to be voted as [male/female/doesn't matter]: I’m usually stamped as a feminine character, but I don’t want that to limit me. It doesn’t matter. Have fun with it!
Name: Bridget
Gender: Female
Date of birth: February 2nd, 1985
Likes: Live performances (which can mean just about everything), Ballet, Shopping, Reading - especially nonfiction, Going to the movies, my dog, Cryptozoology, Museums, good music, pen and paper journaling, science fiction, standing room only concerts, the sound of the cello, amaretto and soda
Dislikes: Getting up very early in the morning, cheaply made clothing sold at a high price, confrontational people, bad drivers
Describe yourself in 5 words: Kind, Eccentric, Loyal, Impulsive, Timid
(Please provide a short explanation as well)
Optimistic or pessimistic? In general I am desperate to maintain an optimistic outlook, but more often than not I wind up as more of a pessimist.
Leader or follower? I try not to be either. I don’t like putting forth the effort being a leader requires, but I don’t like to follow others unless I absolutely agree with the cause.
Introvert or extrovert? Very much an introvert. I’m very shy and withdrawn.
Mature or immature? I like to think that I am a mature individual. I have my moments, of course, but I think I’m more mature than immature.
Violent or peaceful? I don’t think that violent is the word for it, but my world is far from serene. Sure, I seek peace, but I often experience very wild highs and lows.
Selfish or altruistic? Altruistic to a fault. One of my biggest problems is being extremely selfless and focused more on others’ well being than my own.
Rude or polite? Polite! Again, to a fault. I’m very concerned with being polite all of the time.
Eat here or take away? I’m torn between the two. Some restaurants have fantastic ambience. Lately I’ve been going the take away route, having picnics with my friends.
What do you consider to be your one very best trait and why? I have two that I can’t choose between. One is most definitely my heart. I’m very kind and loyal and therefore a very good friend and a shoulder to cry on. Also, I value my intellect. I’m very smart and my mind is one of my favorite aspects.
And what do you think is your worst? Ah, my worst trait is my self-depreciation. I’m extremely hard on myself. It makes life more difficult for me.
If you could change one thing about yourself or your life, what would it be? I would be of completely sound mind and body. I’m sick in more ways than one and it would be nice to have a life free of trips to the doctor and hospital. Less expensive, too.
If you could be any inanimate object, what would you be and why? I’d probably be a comfortable, overstuffed chair. It just seems like it suits me.
What element do you most identify with and why? Water. Water has fluidity and many different aspects. In astrology it signifies and sensitive and intuitive nature, which seems to be right up my alley. I do like the eccentricities air represents, but I’m more of a water girl, I think.
Providing food and water is not an issue, which three items would you want to have with you on the island? Please elaborate. Soap. I can’t stand getting extremely dirty. I’d bring a soft blanket, too. I love being in a comfortable bed, but a blanket would be alright. The third thing, if food and water was not an issue, would be my dog. She keeps me sane.
Which Lost character do you personally think is most suited to be everyone’s leader and why? I could agree with Jack being the leader. It’s just my opinion. In general, in the real world, I like for there to be an even distribution of power. So... Several leaders.
Would YOU accept this position? Why? Why not? No, definitely not. I just wasn’t born to be a leader. I’m a good and fair person, but I couldn’t handle the stress associated with the job.
Which Lost character do you least identify with and why? I’m not really sure, actually. I see a little of all of them in myself. Maybe Kate? I don’t know.
Anything else you would like to add?
Not really. I think that the application covered things well.