Tropical Starburst! Does anyone want my pina colada ones?

Aug 12, 2008 01:21


Please provide the link to at least three unstamped applications you have voted on! (You may only skip this if everyone has received a stamp already)
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Just for the record

Is this your first application here or are you re-applying? (If you are re-applying and DO NOT want to receive the same stamp again, please also state who you've been stamped as before) The first.

Which season(s) do you want to get character votes from? Doesn’t matter.

I want to be voted as [male/female/doesn't matter]: Doesn’t matter.


Name: Kate

Gender: Female

Date of birth: 07/12/1991

Likes: Comic books, mythology, movies, Sanrio, music, friends, creating, television, the internet, video games, geekery, conventions, writing, shopping, nature, law, criminology, recycling.

Dislikes: Littering, smoking, when they mess up the comics for the movie, when writers kill off characters I like, all forms of prejudice, unfairness, poor personal hygiene, injustice, killing, needles, pigeons.

Describe yourself in 5 words: Loyal. Honest. Capable. Funny. Understanding.


(Please provide a short explanation as well)

Optimistic or pessimistic? Optimistic, but always realistic optimism. The night is always darkest before the dawn. And I won't ignore the night or the dawn.

Leader or follower? Neither. I kind of do what I do, nevermind who's in front of or behind me.

Introvert or extrovert? Extrovert. I don't think there is a single piece of information about myself I would not give if asked.

Mature or immature? Immature. I tend to somber up around religious places, though. Don't know why.

Violent or peaceful? Peaceful. I don't like confrontations, and I seriously doubt I could ever win a fistfight.

Selfish or altruistic? It's true that humans are selfish by nature, but we can be more than the sum of our parts. Altruistic.

Rude or polite? Rude, though I don't really mean to. It's just my sense of humor- sardonic, sarcastic, and ironic.

Eat here or take away? Take away. Your bathrooms are disgusting.


What do you consider to be your one very best trait and why? I like my sense of adventure. It takes me places and lets me experience cool, rare things.

And what do you think is your worst? My laziness. All my life I've been told what stunning potential I have- and how I'm not living up to it. I don't like being a disappointment, but it looks like that's what I am.

If you could change one thing about yourself or your life, what would it be? I would give myself a better work ethic.

If you could be any inanimate object, what would you be and why? A dictionary- helpful and smart.

What element do you most identify with and why? Air. You might not notice it sometimes, but it's there, and it's free, and it just wants to help.


Providing food and water is not an issue, which three items would you want to have with you on the island? Please elaborate.
[ 1 ] A very think notebook/sketchbook. I need to write! I get lots of ideas in my head, and I need to write them down or I'll go crazy.
[ 2 ] Pack of pens. Need something to do the above with.
[ 3 ] A comforter. I can't sleep without one.

Which Lost character do you personally think is most suited to be everyone’s leader and why? Sayid. Intelligent, military background, resourceful, quick-witted, thoughtful- and without the homicidal tendencies or emotional hang-ups.

Would YOU accept this position? Why? Why not? No! I'm not responsible enough, or organized enough. And besides, I haven't even lived on my own yet- why would they ask me, anyway?

Which Lost character do you least identify with and why? Michael. There is never, ever an excuse to murder two innocent people in cold blood! I could never live with that guilt. I would have found another way- there had to be one. And his disloyalty to the people who treated him so kindly is appauling.

Anything else you would like to add? No, that's all!


.stamped, charlie

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