And you just won't stop doing an excessively great job with your votes! Awesome work guys, keep it up!
The following people still need more votes:
TOP PRIORITY is a MATCHMAKER application with a TIE, so PLEASE PLEASE somebody hurry and break it for
dana_fields! is a MIRROR application and it has a TIE between PENNY and JULIET so please one person head over and make that decision.
Regular Mirror NEXT THEME
So far we've got one suggestion which is 'GROUPS'. If we do that I'd suggest 'Survivors - Head Section', 'Survivors - Tail Section', 'The Others', 'Dharma Initiative' and 'Kahana Crew'. First of all, how does that sound to you?
And secondly, are there any other suggestions for FUTURE THEMES?
Thanks for the suggestion so far, keep it coming!
And with that I say bye, cheers and a nice week-end to you!