Book Review: The Knights of the Round Table

Jun 06, 2015 13:25

"The Knights of the Round Table" by Daniel Mersey is (apparently) part of a series; I didn't know that this book was part of a series, but it was highly enjoyable nonetheless! This book gives a great introduction to the legends of many of the knights of the Round Table.

This book is one that you can read straight through (like I usually do) or you can pick and choose which stories you want to read and when (what I did this time). Mersey does a wonderful job detailing the quests that the knights embared on, tying in the historical context of the legends. Throughout the book there are additional sections that provide more information about some of the main (better known) characters. I particularly enjoyed how Mersey wrote about possible origins for the stories as well as some of the writers who initially recorded Arthurian legends. The illustrations were also a nice addition!

I found this book to be interesting and a great primer for those people who are fans of King Arthur. I would recommend this book!

I received a free copy of this ebook from NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

netgalley, book review, books

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