Jan 23, 2005 18:09
This weekend went by so slow it was crazy. Alright on Friday night, me, aaron, alley, and ashlee went to a little church concert deal to hear some bands play. They were our friends. Then Pirt and Tyler came and we left cause it got boring. We walked back to Ashlees house to have some drinks, but me and alley and aaron didnt drink anything. Ashlees sister is a complete mess. She is only 13 years old and she is a slut, she drinks all the time and smokes like crazy. She has just threw her life down the drain at the age she is. Wow! Anyways, Pirt and Tyler left and Ashlee was telling me alley and aaron how much she likes Pirt. She was saying she wanted to kiss him and give him head and all this crap. The next night everyone met up at Ashlees house again. It was Ashlee, Alley, Kelsi, Aaron, Breana, Felicia, Pirt, and Tyler. Ashlees parents were gone so Ashlee went and took her parents vodka and everyone was taking shots of it except me, Alley, and Kelsi. And beers were brought out. Alley and Aaron were talking about the night before and how Ashlee said she liked Pirt and crap. We started to tell her and make fun of her for it and saying "remember last night, ash, when u said u liked Pirt and u wantewd him to like u back?" And she was like buzzed and saying "I dont know what u guys are talking about" But she knew it was true. She left the room and we told everyone that she really did say that. All of the sudden Ashlee comes down stairs Bawling her eyes out and saying she wants to die, she wanted everyone out of the house, and that everyone was making fun of her. She was going Physco, literally. She was making herself cry. Everyone was trying to make her calm down and sit down in one place but she wouldnt sit still. I went over in the hallway and tried to tell her to stop crying and calm down and no talking. But she woudnt of course. Then we thought her mom was home cause we heard a door up stairs, and she just all of the sudden stopped and said "Guys my moms here." Then we found out wit was just aaron coming inside from smoking and she started to bawl again. She was falling over and couldnt sit on the stool so she got up and went to the other room and hit her forehead on a dresser and now she has this huge goose egg on her head. It was pretty funny. Then I tried to calm her down again and she said she didnt know why she was acting like she was and that she wanted to die. Then she went up stairs and asked her little sister and her friend to get her a kinfe. They started to cry and so did her other 13 yr. old sister. Everything was going wrong and Ashlee was just making everything worse. Then she was trying to make her sisters not cry and she was calming down. Pirt and Tyler left and so Ashlee was all calm. She is just weird. Then Ash kept calling them and they kept hanging up on her. And she was like why are they hanging up on me, and it was obvious. She was calling them and telling them to come back so she could give Pirt head and so she could kiss him. But they never came back...haha. Then me and Kelsi and Aaron left to go home around midnight and right as Alleys mom picked us up, Ashlees mom pulled in, it was a close one. Ashlee got caught with everything (she put it all on herself and made everything worse). Her mom found the vodka that Ashlee spilled when she was falling over and crap. She should be in a shitload of trouble cause I do not feel bad for her at all. She did it all to herself. I look at her different now. I dont know if she was desperate for attention that night or what but, she took it to the extreme and it was a huge turn off for Pirt. Thats petty funny though. Why doesnt she try to make things better for herself. I mean she could but she doesnt. Well, that was my crazy weekend. Whoever read this whole thing is awesome and I <3 ya. <33 Carrie Ashton Kunasek