Sep 02, 2004 23:04
The life you choose to lead or the lead you choose to follow where does it all go from here? What do you want out of life? A house, car, kids,retirement... Another meaningless life... Another life wasted to the herd of sheep. Sheep who won't pull the wool form their eyes. I'd rather be picked off by the wolves than to follow the herd. March to the beat of my own drum, if you like. Have you ever... Are you... Did you ever thing... Fill in the blanks use the mind God gave you, if you will. For a day just open your eyes see the beauty in the world appreciate the paradise you call boredom. Boredom, the expression of an imprisoned mind. Self-confined to a self-made prison. Boredom... The fruitless seeds of a thoughtless mind. Boredom and teenage angst amid a world that only breeds disillusion. Minds steeped in pain, memories to painful to visit because the light tread of a foot might shatter a fragile mind. Pain, identity, perception, appearance, past, future, inside, outside, LIFE, DEATH. It all comes down to life and death. There is so much more but forever remembered will be the days of your life and death. The only thing people will see when they pass your tombstone years from now are the dates of your Birth and your Death...
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