If I knew where this was going I would honestly tell you...

Nov 20, 2007 22:26

This post is long over due. I can't say that  anyting exciting has happened recently because it hasn't. Life is more routine now than it ever was before.  I work, do classes online, and sleep. Repeat.  A little update from the previous post, I got Akuma a little brother. His name is Perry. I feel now our little family is complete...the only thing I need to work on now is Mitch moving in....

School is an interesting subject. To make a long story short, Kaplan fucked up my finanical aide package. The award letter I recieved was no where near what I was actually getting thus I did not take out enough money in  alternative loans to cover out of pocket expenses. Now I am in the process of applying for more loans and trying to get everything all squared away. This whole situation has put a bad taste in my mouth. Once again I am looking for a new school per request of myself and my dad. He believes that there is some scam Kaplan is trying to pull. We are putting in a complaint with the better business bureau.  I have decided once again I want to teach high school English. I feel that I would have saved myself 4 years of headaches if I would have realized that right from the beginning and never changed my mind to begin with.  I am sure many of you who actually still read this (I wouldn't doubt it if the actual reader count is down to one now...wooo) are completely lost.  Sorry I move around too much. I have issues with settling.  If only I would have stayed at Carroll.... oh memories.

Ha. Don't make me laugh.

As of next month I will offically be an aunt. Rach is naming her son Ziggy. Yes it is odd, but so is Rach. I'm ready to be an aunt. I can't wait to spoil him like crazy. I know I want an active part in his life. Even if Rachel or Dany have issues with me being around constantly I'm still going to do it.  Many of you may ask, why would Dany's opinion matter if it is Rachel's son? Well, well, well, let me inform all 'one' of  you. Dany is crazy. She believe that this baby is actually her baby.  In her eyes she is the aunt and the mother. It is her goal in life to make sure that I am viewed as an evil person to this child. She has already told me that she and Rach will refer to me as the mean aunt, threatening to send Ziggy to me when he is misbehaving....I will be the Grandma Sonya to lil Ziggy....OH NO!!  (Sonya is the evil wicked witch of the west, the bitch that is my mom's mother) I just want to be there for all the precious moments. This little boy is coming into a fucked up family...he needs at least one sane person in his life. Maybe that could be me if I'm lucky...hmmm maybe I should start taking those meds to be prepared for this situation.

Oh, I love the holidays. Thanksgiving will be spent at my dad's this year. Interested in seeing how it will all unfold. Mitch doesn't know that Rachel might be there. This could be dangerous. I'm sure he will be pissed once he sees Rachel's shining little face. Oh the joys of bringing everyone together. You know it's the holiday season when all you here is constant family bickering.

Could this be suiting enough for an update? Gee, I sure hope so. I ran out of energy a paragraph and a half ago.

Until the next time...Maybe sooner, rather than later.
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