Nov 04, 2010 23:12
Well, here I go again...
Last Friday started out pretty much like any other. I biked to work, ready for a hectic day. I had a bunch of work to do, taking time out to go for a run at lunch time and then off to Bar Bodega at night to play a gig with the Motown band.
Friday was, to be sure, a day when Things Would Be Done. So why should I find myself, 7 days later, tucked in bed feeling sorry for myself?
At 9.30am on Friday, I began to feel a familiar feeling - familiar, and not very welcome. My chest began to ache, signalling the onset of another spontaneous pneumothorax. This time round, I had the common sense to call an ambulance straight away. Not one hour later, I was in hospital having a tube inserted into my side while Megan and my parents stood guard. Having had no food for 5 hours and on a constant diet of painkillers, my visage became olive-green and sweat broke out on my forehead. All the time, I was thinking "Oh, not today! I'm going to miss the gig!"
I'd been looking forward to this gig for WEEKS - I was really confident that we were on form and would have torn it up for the large number of people I'd invited. Instead, I was being prepped for surgery.
Megan, bless her heart, found the courage to leave me to play the gig, and they apparently did a great job. My surgery didn't go ahead on Friday, and instead my air tube fell out by itself on Saturday morning, so I had a relaxing weekend surrounded by friends and family.
Monday morning, I was off food and fluids while getting ready for the operation. 5 hours later, I wake up with a drain tube, epidural, IV drip and OH GOD A CATHETER. The next couple of days were a medley of disorientation, pain and exhaustion as I couldn't sleep more than 30 minutes at a time.
At last, on Wednesday I had my first respite. They were please enough with the x-ray to unplug me from the drain tube, the epidural and THANK GOD THE CATHETER. Now, drugged up to the
eyeballs, still sore and exhausted...I have a couple of weeks off to recover. I'm feeling grateful that I have so many caring friends and family and that my work is being particularly nice to me.
I'm also feeling happy to be alive.