Title: And We Stood At World's End
Rating: PG13
Characters/Pairing: Jack/Boone
Word counting: 2269
Disclaimer: .... ha, if they were mine this would have happened.
Spoilers: for Something Nice Back Home and the S5 premiere (AU from there).
Summary: Blue eyes look straight at him from the hospital bed, wide and watery and a pair of soft, pink lips opens a couple of times. His face is covered in blood, his leg too, he’s wearing the same clothes he wore that day and a couple of nurses are trying to put pressure over the wound. Jack stops dead in his tracks, not believing what he sees.
This time he knows; he knows each wound, he knows that he didn’t fall from any place but that the leg was crushed. He has the right blood type and as much as he needs, he has the right equipment, he knows what he has to do. Like hell he isn’t going to fix this. )