jumping on the OOC post bandwagon

Nov 07, 2009 20:48

Since everyone was doing this, so yeah.

My name is Ling (that's my real surname anyway, just like that prince from Fullmetal Alchemist :D) and I'm 15 but 16 next 11th January. LOL, it's the start of the year, so it won't be clashing with exams or anything. Next year is O Level year, oh dear.

I'm from Singapore, which means that my time zone is like 12 hours from all of you from the US/Canada. I try to reply often, but due to studies (you won't believe how hard the Asian education system is ;_;), it's most prolly once a day orz.

Never mind. Just like Austria, I love playing the piano (has Grade 8 already) and I'm also taking Music as an O Level subject as well. No surprise here, eh? And yes, I was stamped as Austria in the hetalia_rate comm. So I guess that's why I play him.

I've RPed for less than a year, so I'm still learning stuff and I hope to have fun with all of you here!

short post is short


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