In March I sampled 25 different brews, 10 of which were new. My beer sampling slowed down quite a bit, and I'll explain in another post some of the reason for this.
Baltica -- Porter 6
Baltijos -- Svyturys
Bells Brewery, Inc -- Double Cream Stout
Boon Rawd Brewery Co Lmt -- Singha
Brewery Ommegang -- Hennepin
Brooklyn Brewery -- East India Pale Ale
Dundee Brewing Co -- Pale Bock Lager
Fuller Smith and Turner PLC -- London Porter
Fuller Smith and Turner PLC -- London Pride
Guinness Ltd -- Harp Irish Lager
Heineken -- Pilsner
Jeff & Liz's homebrew -- Irish dry stout
Jeff & Liz's homebrew -- mild English ale
Kona Brewing Co -- Pipeline Porter
Rock Bottom Arlington -- Hop Bomb
Rock Bottom Arlington -- Irish Dry Stout
Rock Bottom Arlington -- Pale Ale (dry hopped) - Cask
Rock Bottom Arlington -- Red Ale (dry hopped) - cask
Rock Bottom Arlington -- Vanilla Porter - cask
Rogue Brewery -- Mocha Porter
Sierra Nevada Brewing Co -- India Pale Ale
Smuttynose Brewing Co -- Robust Porter
Terrapin Beer Co -- Rye Pale Ale
Troegs -- Brown Ale
Wagner Valley Brewing Co -- Oatmeal Stout
I've liked
Bells' beers since I first tried the Kalamazoo Stout four years ago. They produce a variety of styles, all of which are solidly crafted, so I always try the Bells when its on the menu. I had the Double Cream Stout for the first time at a Christmas party last December, at the recommendation of a friend who saved a bottle for me. And apparently, finding Oberon wheat ale at the bar is the first sign of warmer weather in Michigan and is a tasty pint to cry into (
read story). I haven't yet had my first Oberon of season.
I drink a lot of
Rock Bottom Arlington's beers because it's located just up the road, it's the only local establishment where I can get cask beers, and it's not difficult to convince my local friends to attend the tappings. Although the beers are hit or miss to my taste, I particularly like Chris's dark beers and he's got a good hand with dry hopping. I look forward to the dry stout each year. The cask version he had last year was probably my favorite, though.
I tried
Kona's beer for the first time in March at the suggestion of my friend John. After unintentionally humiliating him during a particularly beer-snobby night, John typically requests, "I'll have what she's having." But when we found the Pipeline Porter on tap, we reversed roles. He had tried it while he was in Hawaii. It was a very tasty choice - a pleasant coffee-infused porter with a creamy head.
The new Irish dry stout homebrew was also ready in March. It was bottle-conditioned just in time for the semi-St Patty's party I had mid-month. Though styled after Murphy's, we adjusted the sugar types to accommodate for the supplies we had on hand, so it's slightly more sour than we originally intended. It was tasty a month ago, and it's even tastier now!