Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens--

Jul 15, 2004 17:09



Mom's coming home the 16th of September for two weeks. I am currently planning on being out of the country for that- Babydoll you'll hide me, won't you? Amsterdam is the farthest place away that I can figure out...(plus all the cool..er..shops.. heh);)

I'm so bummed about the whole thing- SO not looking forward to the drama and stress it's gonna cause.

I finished a report on the differences between Malcolm X and MLK Jr, today- 7 pages.. He better like it, ( Teacher dude) and if he doesn't, frankly he can stick it up his---

Dustin's in swimming lessons- he seems to be doing pretty good at it, so that's cool. And he's inherited a *Gasp* Girlfriend......BLah

I'm only annoyed at that because I overheard them playing house- Not the "bad" kind of house- but pretending that they were married and his Yu-Gi-Oh! figurines were their children. I'm kind of afraid to think my grandchild will be Sagi the Dark Clown, or whatever that thing's name is.

Um. Fair's this weekend. It starts the tri-county area fairs so for the next at least 3 weeks I Should be subjected to a constant barrage of.. "Mom can we go to the fair today, PUHLEEAAAZZZEEE"...

I -was forced- to declare a major finally at school. So in about a year I should be asking you if you want fries with that.. Yay liberal arts.

See forever i've been a MN Transfer student, owing to the fact that they don't offer a second year of college Espanol here.. so the transfer thingy worked good for me. Now, however, I can get an AA, or be a teacher or a nurse.. Me..... with sharp objects???? are they crazy?!


Skittles are calling my name.. I must submit to the will of flavored sugar..

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