(no subject)

Mar 05, 2009 15:30

101 goals in 1001 days list

Start Date: Thursday, June 8, 2006
End date: Thursday, March 5, 2009
I am now: 18
I will be: 21
How long I have left:

1. Buy at least ten books I've never heard of.
2. Read 20 books or articles with viewpoints polar opposite from mine. (Abortion should be illegal, Marriage is only between a man and a woman, Spanking isn't abuse)
3. Buy 5 pyschology books.
4. Buy at least ten books on abuse, fiction or nonfiction. 2/10
5. Wear a long skirt and feel comfortable in it.
6. Dye my hair repeatedly again, at least three different colors.
7. Wear pants low enough to see hipbones.
8. Get at least two piercings, right ear, left cartilige, eyebrow, tongue.
9. Get at least one tattoo other than N17
10. Design, then get my N17 tattoo.
11. Feel sexually secure for at least a month.
12. Stop worrying about my weight, but start exercising for muscle.
13. Write at least biweekly in livejournal, both journals, for two months straight.
14. Own legal copies of all cd's from the Saw Doctors. 4 so far
15. Buy at least one Saw Doctors shirt.
16. See the Saw doctors play live.
17. Go to Ireland the way I want to. Do #16 while I'm there.
18. Keep our room clean for one month straight, no clothes on the floor, nothing.
19. Help out around the house more.
20. Cook at least 30 meals in four months.
21. Make a cake that doesn't look sad-assed.
22. Learn all the words to at least one Green Day album, pre-2000.
23. Go to a therapist and get my shit dealt with.
24. Do #23 and be able to talk about everything concerning it.
25. Stop lying so much.
26. Listen to music I normally wouldn't, take suggestions from anyone willing to give them.
27. Listen to at least one album from each genre listed: Rock, Heavy metal, Rap, Pop, Classical, Techno, Bluegrass.
28. Actually listen to the music people say they love, when you say "Yeah, great song".
29. Spend 40$ on food that I won't share, with absolutely no guilt.
30. Gorge on wings.
40. Learn to make the following: Cheesecake, Roast chicken, Steak, Parsley Potatoes, Jerk Chicken, Chocolate cake, barley soup.
41. Own all seasons of BTVS and Angel.
42. While doing #17, barcrawl.
43. For one week, take at least fifteen minutes of video of my life and me per day.
44. Take 20 pictures of J, for the future.
45. Crochet a full sized sweater.
46. For that matter, learn to crochet much better.
47. Sew my uber-messenger bag of doom.
48. Proclaim myself "cool" in public.
49. Read all the D&D books.
50. Join a D&D group.
51. Start roleplaying again, and don't tell J.
52. Get Geoffrey engraved.
53. Sew a matching case for him, out of the leftover fabric from #47.
54. Make two friends. Real friends. People I would invite over to play video games with.
55. Snuggle one of said friends.
56. Learn to draw decently enough. Don't tell Mother.
57. See all movies and all episodes of shows by some of my favorite actors: Johnny Depp, Micheal J. Fox, John Wayne.
58. Paint our room with songs.
59. Record my shitty singing, so that I can have it.
60. Say hello to someone and have them not run away.
61. Buy Grados.
62. Invest in some shoes I really want.
63. Get new boots that won't wear out quickly.
64. Wear my converse outside at least two weeks straight.
65. Keep at least two pairs of socks from dissapearing.
66. Read everything on at least 5 college/highschool booklists.
67. Find a bookstore that can be home.
68. Have a few cups of coffee in public, while writing in my journal and listening to Geoffrey.
69. Go on a candy spree and eat candy until I'm sick. Squee about this.
70. Play DDR at home, get half decent. Then do it in public.
71. Flip off three people that look at me funny. 1/3
72. Give road head.
73. Get a drivers license, and a vehicle I want.
74. Tell my sister to back the fuck off, at least once.
75. Wear my tail repeatedly in public.
76. Be sexy.
77. Wear the hottopic hat, with the choker, tight jeans, cami and overshirt, nail polish, mascara and eyeliner. Then go into town.
78. Flash someone.
79. Get Mardi Gras beads.
80. Fight someone.
81. Be tied and fucked again.
82. Write in my offline journal at least once a week for six months.
83. Finish breeding my dogz so I have a true breeding line, then put them online under my name and my breed name.
84. Design something for Dogz.
85. Print out a complete breeding line, and keep it updated.
86. Write two new poems.
87. Tell J when he pisses me off, more often.
88. Make a total of eight mil. GP on RS.
89. Become a true gamer.
90. Learn binary.
91. Tell someone that I love them, even though it's hard.
92. Do nothing but listen to music for one day straight.
93. Do nothing but read, eat and sleep, for one week straight. Go to library every other day.
94. Be nude with J for one full day.
95. Make some jewelry.
96. Eat foods that make me squick.
97. Buy a short skirt. Tease the fuck outta J.
98. Learn any new big skill.
99. Get up at five A.M. and go for a walk, for two weeks straight.
100. Be able to put my feet behind my head.
101. Watch 300 movies made before 1980. 15/300
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