Sep 15, 2004 18:42
People that are seriously dumb are really annoying. Theres a difference between someone acting dumb (like being funny) and seriously dumb people. They're so fricken aggravating!
I don't feel like writing about anymore of my problems. So now this one is gonna be pretty serious. I think it would be cool if you guys told me what you thought once you're done reading it.
I guess I'll start with hurricanes. Theres been so many this year. Its insane. And its weird how one area can be torn to pieces when a few feet away there may only be a downed tree or something. And the way people react to them is really dumb. Being afraid of it doesn't help anything. Get some guts people. Maybe its just because I'm young and stupid but if a hurricane is coming your way theres nothing you can do about it. Maybe if you believe in god you can pray, but does that really help. Especially since theres that saying- "everything happens for a reason" but thats a totally different story. So yea. Just get prepaired. You're not gonna stop it. Stop sitting their being afraid. That gets you nowhere.
This next topic is so messed up. I'm really bad with words so I'm not sure how well I'll be able to get my opinon out.
Presidents. It seems to me that every presidential election just gets dirtier. I mean look in the news and see how much dirt has been dished about each one of the candidates. My theory is that if so many people hate Busch so much, why is he still president? He has to be doing something right seeing as he hasn't been impeached yet (then again I'm not really into all this government stuff so I don't know all the details about impeachment.) So anyways, both of these guys have been accused of lying about something they've done while in the military. This stuff is getting so dirty. Its all just one big conspiracy anyways. I think that if they're both so easily accused of this stuff then they should just get different people to run. Idiots, I swear. I guess I'm done. I can't think of anything intelligent to say.
Just for the record I think rasberry tea is disgusting. But I'm an idiot along with everyone else and I'm still drinking it.
If you can't tell I'm not in a good mood. :)
Yea I know this was pretty stupid. Comment if you actually care about anything I just said. If not then I'm just wasting my time and I might as well put all this stuff on friends only. Not like it matters.