Jun 27, 2005 23:51
I get up at 8:30, my breakfast consists of a chicken/cheese fajita. I brush my teeth, wash my face, comb hair, the usual. 11:00 I call TJ ask him what I will need for today. I pack a bag with some clothes and some mints to share with the guys. TJ says he'll be at my house at 12:45. 1:15 rolls around and here comes TJ thirty minutes late. We're already late so we rush to Best Buy to get Michael. Me and Chad go on a Ninj4 reconnaisance mission and recover Michael. We head to wal mart gotta get a black shirt and shorts for my costume. I end up paying 4.and 86ish for the shirt, I didn't buy the shorts. Next its off to high flyer. We gotta get chad a ninja outfit and I want the ninja shoes not only for teh movie, but because I can see my toes through my adidas T-T *tear count 1* Unfortunately High flyer is closed til tuesday T-T *tear count 2* We head out to lucy park. Its now 2:30. We set up base camp at the camping tables behind the main swings and slides area. We get into our Jedi Costumes T-T*tear count 3 (this tear is for our loserdom lol)* we head out into the woods because aparently our ship crashes their according to the plot in TJ's movie. It seemed like 100 degrees outside and their was a nice bounty of mosquitos. We do the very first scene nearly 20 times because we weren't loud, TJ doesn't know his script, Michael had crazy crack pot camera Ideas. T-T *tear count 4* Next we pack up camp and head to Mickey D's for the dollar menu. We order our food as chad chills in the bathroom because apparently McD's sets the bathroom temp like 20 degrees lower. We sit at the table and Michael(Mick) and TJ argue over whos the better editer and how the movie should be for an hour T-T *tear count 5* after a nice meal we all pile back into the cars to head back to lucy park. This time TJ's bro Taylor who works at el chico's is there. He's supposed to be a bounty hunter/sith or w/e. He and michael learn the choreography in like 45 mins T-T *tear count 6* we shoot it about 20 times T-T *tear count 7* After that we pack up again and head to 7 11 to get drinks. After 7 11 its off to chads house but first we temporarily drop off zane. We get to chads house and were supposed to show mick some footage that we did, but mick has to go so we end up playing halo 1. We were waiting til night time cuz we had to shoot the last scene of the movie where we supposedly burn my character in the movie in honor or what not. First we call zane to let him know were comin. Zane does not want to shoot eventually after 10 mins of arguin I get the phone from tj and said I'll give him 5 odollars T-T *tear count 8* We head to zanes and since I payed 5 dollars I decided we were going to shoot in zanes backyard. Zanes back yard is like 10 acres and has lots of wood, forestry, and barbwire. We are all fatigued and crazy. Me and chad are not climbing over the barbwire IONO chads reasoning but i'm afraid of castrating my self. T-T *tear count 9* I pull it up for chad pulls barb up for me and zane pulls it up for chad but zane lets it go on his back and then tries to set chad on fire. T-T *tear count 10* We cross a walk for a while oh yeah tj has this blinding spot light that he flashes on and off so were having seizures while doing this. zane walks into a big ass spider web and does a dance of fleeing spiders. At this point im hysterical everything is funny. Then TJ decides that we have to leave to go to chads to do it there. its better there. T-T *tear count 11* We get to chads get newspaper, lighter fluid, and other assorted equipment. We go to this church parking lot and cross into the woods. Mistake number 1 giving me the news paper, the box, and the lighter fluid. I set that shiz up as if I wanted to scorch the earth. I drowned it, stupid me put it in the grass so chad moves it into this dirt corridor. start that baby up and take the first shot. I'm laughing the whole time. grass is catching on fire. Shooting lighter fluid in the fire. We took that shot maybe 20 times and we all got hysterical. zanes laughing at me put all the lighter fluid in the fire to the point that we burn the bottle with the box and paper. fire is everywhere. We get the shot done. and try to pee it out T-T *tear count 12* eventually we stump the fire. I rip my pants all my pants!! EVERY ONE HAS MY ASS HANGIN OUT T-T *tear count 13* We reek of smoke eyes watery and im laughin. Not to mention the torture inflicted by the toxic farts T-T *tear count 1000* I was alot to blame for the mishaps but it was all good fun. I mean just being out with friends doing something no matter how weird and nerdy. Zane is a wigga gangsta g, Tj is a full time nerd, Chad is a ninja, and i'm just flippin insane. Well now since one actor quit we recruited francis. We gun get to work and all that only for like 2 hours tmrw then wednesday will be another long day. OH another funny thing. Tj is driving me home we thinks its ten o clock I'm like damn we did good for time. I get in the house its fscking 11. I just laugh hysterically. Well that sums up my day now I think I'm going to go to sleep no weird or quirky shiz tonight i'm beat.