(no subject)

Aug 06, 2006 17:59

I know  you all probably don't blieve me but my house is haunted. It started this week.

the night before the party i was getting ready to leave standing just outside my door to my room trying to make  sure i had everything i wasn't looking down the hall at all but i see out of the corner of my eye the light go on and as i look  up go off. So i walk down there b/c (i thought maybe i left the light switch so the fan could run but turned the light off) i was thining it was a short or something but nothing. The switch wasn't on the fan wasn't on the lights were all off.  So i was like that was really bizzare.

Then the money for  Maria (the lady that cleans the house) has been on the fridge for 2 weeks  in a sealed envelope, i remember seeing the money in there before. When she opened it this saturday, nothing.  My dad was like what happened i never even touched it the whole time it was up there!...

Then a little bit ago i started a load of laundry. I put the bottle (a new full one) on the washer back by the cabinet. about 15 min later i heard a a crash but didn't know where it came from, as i walked out of the tv room i see that it is the laundry detergen on the ground and it's broken and leaked ALL OVER THE DAMN FLOOR. And i know people are thinking that the washer just knocked it off while it was running, but we have this new super quite one and it was only like 5 min after i started the washer that i heard it fall.

very bizzare, it's not a scarey haunting, but just a little well bizzare.

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