Dec 03, 2003 23:09
It's such a bummer when you realize it is already eleven o'clock and you feel like you've wasted your day entirely. I know everyone needs a break every now and then. but please! sitting on your ass watching the simple life? rich girls? thats SICK. Although on VH1 they had a whole thing on AIDS with regards to society's "pop culture". Real interesting...extremely sad, especially when they brought up the whole Ryan Whyte(?) issue, it tears you apart seeing this little boy who is a hemophiliac contract AIDS and is literally prohibited from showing up to school because parents were afraid their children might catch it. I've decided that every time I find myself really worked up over something the size of a mole hill I should just think of the numerous things that could be going on at that very moment. It's kind of like indirectly slapping me in the face.
I'm excited because I finally got the hang of rowing. I'm port 6 :) and let me tell you with crew there is much more to it than meets the eye. I really need to work on my urging score though if I want to do well at the "indoor" machine race. back pains!!
blah blah blah.