Wanna know somethin' that really sucks? Some how managing to either tear or otherwise injure a ligament in your back. It hurts like fucking hell. I can't really move much of my upper body without wanting to curl up in pain and pretending the world doesn't exist. However, when attempting to do so once I ended up screaming in pain.
Yeeeeeeeeea... This really fucking sucks. I also had t' end up callin' my tutor kids and cancellin' anything set for t'day because when I was just standing I felt like crying.
What was I doin' to manage something this stupid and painful? No clue. I -think- I was stretching. Maybe I was cracking my back. All I remember after snugglin' with the GF is that my back was screaming bloody murder.
Accordin' to Jim I have a slight bruise right in the center of all this pain. I doubt I'm really gonna be doin' any other work besides school related until this goes away. Until then... eheh. Life is really gonna suck.
Other than that, there have been many updates on DA and FA. Sadly, tho, if you wanna see the updates on FA (that are not on DA, mind you) you need to be a member.
http://rotzi.deviantart.com/gallery/ I figure it's easier to post this than all the links.
And, for the two entries I have marked as mature I give you links!