(no subject)

Jan 09, 2005 22:44

what the craps my problem??? im so jealous, of like everything. why???? its the worst ffeeling in the world. im having a heard time fixing this problem, but im deffinatly trying. i have no reason to be this way at ALL! i feel so stupid becasue im like this but i try and try to change but then something happens and there i go again being jealous. i know that everyone goes through it but he doesnt deserve for me to be like that so im trying!! i promise.

2nd semester of school is always the worst. last semester it didnt bother me too bad getting up in the morning and going to school, but now days its horrible! i guess it just takes some getting used to. and im really scard about him graduating!!! i dont know whats going to happen after he's finished? is he still going to want to be with me evern though im still going to be going to school. i dont know why im asking myself these questions i know everythign is going to be fine. thats just how i am. i worry about EVERYTHING!!! i get so stressed over the smallest things and its not healty for me at all. i just have a lot of things to think about so if it seems ive been in a bad mood here lately thats all it is. just a lil stress. so i appologize for it all. i love you justin! i love everyone!
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