
Feb 19, 2005 01:15

Well its been a long ass time since ive updated. Alot has happened the past month or so for better or worse and now here i am, less than 1 month to go before im finally gone. It feels like ive been having a countdown forever now, i remember when it was me saying, well i still have over a year, and now im saying 27 days instead, where has time gone? Its not really making me sad that its going by quick because im kind of anxious just to go and get it all over with, then i can start my life and not have to change the way i do things because i know im leaving, its almost as if i havent been able to be me because of all of this. The thought of being home and having everything i want next year just excites me when i think about it, ill be in control of my own destiny. I know ill come home, i have too. Im glad ill be home in june too for about 15 days before i make my long trip, and ill also be home for 15 days sometime about half way thru, maybe for christmas or new years, that would be nice. I know its all coming and ive been preparing for it for a very long time, but it almost doesnt seem real yet even though i know it is. I will miss you all so much though and as long as my friends write to me it will keep me strong and get me thru all of this. Ive met so many great people the past year here and im thankful for that... titus, heather, erin, shannon, jason, nicole, lindsey, andrew, cory, and so on are just some friends ive made in the past year and hopefully will be friends for life, i value them more then anything in life, besides family of course. Eh im off to bed now so i can get my 3 hours of sleep before im off to the army tomorrow at 6am. Oh and if you didnt know, my official date for leaving is march 18th by the way.

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