Jun 23, 2005 01:23
Gosh, today...I new guy started working with us...he is so ccuuuuutttteeeeee...his name is Kenny...haha...like SOuth Park...ok...sorry if I mess up so much in my typing..I had a couple of couple of drinks 2nite...hanged out w/ some guy 4rm work...anyways...that was the only cool thing taht has happened to me since I got here...it was really nothing..just hanging out...didn't get drunk i nver can...just a little tipsy....but really..it feels good to feel like that again...hopefully sometime near in the future I can get really drunk I wonder how it wiil feel...my friends tell me that not so good...I just wnat to know how it feels to be drunk and free...to do heellll with ur night....I really need to have some funn and party hardy...anybody want to have funn w/ me...well anyways...this guy....keny...right he is 6'3"...I asked him today...he is a whole foot taller than me....hahaha..I am so short...he is sooo cute...I hope he doesn't have a g-friend..I want to talk to him...hopefully...well ....man...I really need to get a speciall..someone...I'm not desperate...although..sometimes..I may sound like I am ....Iahve nothign else to talk about...hopefully you all are having a better time than ,me....that;s all folks!!!! Rox where are you!!!.............I wnt and took a bathroom break...I am so much out of it at this moment...somebdy can come and take advantage of me and I wouldn't b able to do nothign about it....that is so screwed upp...my lips are tingling...I still wonder how i can b ableo b typing...oh well....