Jan 25, 2004 21:44
I sit here at my computer, day to night. It uses up unfathomable amounts of electricity, in keeping me entertained. Recently however, it has caused a curious phenomenom to arise.
Picture the scene. Me in my bedroom, the only light cast by the overbearing street light outside. I take my contact lenses out and discard them nonchalantly on the floor. I slowly pull my trousers down to reveal *DUN DURN DURN* the sound of static electricity, crackling away. Yes it seems that my black work trousers (which I wear most of the time) act as a recepticle for the static electricity prouduced by my computer. It is quite bizarre. Weird also, is that when I drop my MP3 player into the pocket of these trousers, it turns itself off.
Fuck, I need to get out more.