It's one thing that I never said, I'm truly happy in my heart and in my head...

Oct 29, 2003 09:22

I can't stay for long because I have to go to work. This is another moany journal update, so avert your eyes if you can't stand that sort of bollocks.

I feel very saddd. I keep catching my reflection in mirrors and thinking, "god, that's not nice". Where I was working yesterday, they have a huge mirror in the toilet (presumably so the area operations manager could stare at himself while he fucked cashiers in that shop, which I'm informed he did) and as a result I did not want to pee. Not one bit. On friday the AOM came round to our shop, and said I don't smile enough. Well that's just what I needed, cunt, though why someone who's got a large and worrying chip in his front teeth feels the need to pass comment on how other people look when they smile is beyond me.

Last night was the first chance I've had to talk to people in a while, I spoke to Juliet on the phone, and Lucyloo, and to Jen, finally. And thank god really, because while I'm ok with working, I need some sort of interaction with people who aren't gamblers or employees of a company who rip off gamblers.
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