Jan 23, 2010 02:17
i can't forget.
moonlight sonatas, tiny dancer.
standing with you, listening to the advice of a lost man.
catching turtles with you in the lake when we were little.
sparkle hairspray and a purple ribbon.
senor burp and fart.
shaving cream fights and pirating more than the boys. always.
the king of hypocrisy.
a book with a happy ending. seemed just for me.
running the track backwards.
a man and his angel.
a terrible movie and a wonderful time.
ice cube contests.
tickles mean noses.
second family lost, slowly drifting.
smoke vs blue light.
drunk dialed yet again.
with bus rides comes NAKED TIME.
mood rings and incense.
the unclimbable tree.
wanting to say yes. knowing i had to say no.
watching you cry, because of me.
my own superman.
pineapple pizza and swimming in the rain.
aiming raquetballs at eachother.
teaching you, because you would never have given up on me.
just listening to you with a guitar in your hands.
your face still haunts me. rest in peace.
cheesy bread. a class with my publicist.
finally, we're both happy at the same time.
running into the ocean fully dressed.
afraid of you, knowing things can never be the same.
silly putty and a let it be outing.
doing laundry in another language, a train ride from hell.
family. four of us.
a pinky promise, always and forever.