Baby Update

Jul 29, 2004 11:43

Saw the OB again today. Jules is growing fine, uterus is behaving and not doing anything worrisome, I have been tested for syphillis, anemia and diabetes (woo!) and have been told that I no longer need to be on pelvic rest. Plan is to see them again in 2 weeks as long as the labs are fine and I have no unusual symptoms. It's amazing to think that we are nearly 28 weeks, and that we could have a baby in just 8 or 9 weeks! The doc will schedule my c-section at 39 weeks if I haven't gone into labor by then.

Last night John took Joe to see the trains at the VRE station by the house. He found a capped insulin syringe, and the police directed him to take it to the local fire station. So Joe not only got to see the trains, he got to sit in a fire truck and they gave him a hat. He was in Toddler Nirvana when he arrived home last night.

Joe is at school now, and I am planning to do a little cleaning and then go get him. John is dropping the car off this evening for new back tires, and taking tomorrow off so we can get some things accomplished. My mom has been gone all week and I really miss her... she's usually around to help when things are stressful or I'm not feeling great, and I haven't had that this week. Joe misses her too. I'm looking forward to getting back to work this weekend and getting back to normal life next week. :)
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