Yeah, I'm seeing SJA as a transition. I've told the preschooler that once we finish SJA, then we can start in on Doctor Who. He's excited. The older brother is still coming in and out of the room when the program is on. But he asks lots of questions about the plot. And the baby? Well, he just toddles in and out of the room and doesn't seem to care much at all.
Actually, I really admire how the older brother is handling the whole situation: he has a pretty impressive self-awareness of how much scariness he can handle. He was like this with the Harry Potter books, years ago. As a preschooler, he stalled out on book four (during the deeply creepy graveyard scene towards the end). For months we went back and read old books, then suddenly he decided he was ready for the graveyard scene and nothing after that seemed to bother him. And, as far as I can tell, he's never had nightmares about what he's read or seen (I've let him watch the movies because he knows the books so well). So, I guess I'll just trust my kids . . . and the awesome stories. :)
Actually, I really admire how the older brother is handling the whole situation: he has a pretty impressive self-awareness of how much scariness he can handle. He was like this with the Harry Potter books, years ago. As a preschooler, he stalled out on book four (during the deeply creepy graveyard scene towards the end). For months we went back and read old books, then suddenly he decided he was ready for the graveyard scene and nothing after that seemed to bother him. And, as far as I can tell, he's never had nightmares about what he's read or seen (I've let him watch the movies because he knows the books so well). So, I guess I'll just trust my kids . . . and the awesome stories. :)
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