a few of my favorite things

Jan 07, 2010 23:31

An Ode: To Snow and Bread and Ten and such

We're getting pretty well pounded with snow here in the midwest. I just shoveled another five inches off the driveway. But it's the light powdery stuff--easy to shovel and beautiful to look at. (Driving in it is rubbish because it gets all slushy--but that's another thing.) I love how it glitters on the trees.

I went out to shovel after the kids were asleep. I can't say that I usually enjoy shoveling (because it's usually a last minute scramble in the morning)--but tonight it was oddly relaxing. The snow was still falling lightly, it was cold but not too cold, the street was quiet except for the sound of my shovel against the driveway.

And then I came in to this . . .

For Christmas, we got Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day, and I can't say enough good things about that book.  This loaf smells amazing and tastes (uhm, okay, tasted) even better.  Yum.  I could definitely get used to this.

And now I'm up late, working on the tail end of a big project, the kind of detail-y stuff that requires lots of time but not your full attention.  So I'm playing The Unicorn and the Wasp in the background.

Snow, sleeping kids, bread, big projects coming to a close, Ten.

Life is very, very good!  
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