I'm trying to tire myself out enough to go to sleep, so I ganked a survey from Kandice ^_^
First job: Besides babysitting and being a file clerk in Dad's office, my first REAL job was working at Copperfield's Books.
First screen name: stephy442
First funeral: Nic's, earlier this year
First piercing/tattoo: Got my ears pierced at age 5
First kiss: Kyle Beaty, when we were 13, while seeing Bevis & Butthead Do America at the theater. Oooooh so romantic.
First best friend: Jessica, in Kindergarten
First crush: Garret Lansing. What a cack. Yes, I meant to spell it cack.
First credit card: My leopard print Visa. Which I still have.
First enemy: Tera, I suppose. She tried to steal my boyfriend and then denied it and told me she thought he was ugly. Whateva, bitch *snap snap etc.*
First big trip: Skiing in Colorado, I think. I was about 5 or 6.
First concert: Third Eye Blind at the Orange Festival my freshman year of high school.
First musician you remember hearing in your house: Peter, Paul & Mary... hahaha.
Last car ride: Yesterday night, back to the hotel after dinner.
Last library book checked out: Books on self-esteem in the workplace for my research paper.
Last movie watched: Napoleon Dynamite :-D "I see you're drinking 1%. Is that because you think you're fat?"
Last kiss: December 17th. Sean left for Europe the next day :-P
Last beverage drunk: Diet Coke
Last food consumed: Strawberry Shortcake flavored rock candy
Last phone call: Lauren, last night, to tell me there was a message on the machine for me. Haha.
Last time showered: This morning
Last CD played: Alex was playing Taking Back Sunday in my car on the way to the airport. Bleh.
Last annoyance: My dad was being condescending. Again with the bleh.
Last soda drank: "... that would be in the Diet Coke, Bob."
Last ice cream eaten: Coldstone, yesterday at the mall :-D
Last time scolded: Today at the museum for trying to take pictures. Grr.
Last website visited: bloopdiary.com
Single or Taken: OHSOTAKEN
Sex: Womanly in nature
Birthday: September 7th
Sign: Virgo
Siblings: Four brothers (Danny, 27; Brandon, 24; Blake, 19; Alex, 18) and one sister (Lauren, 14).
Hair color: Blondish-brownish-hot pink-ish
Eye color: Blue
Shoe size: 6
Wearing: Jeans, kitty socks, JEM shirt, sweet bracelet, underwear. And a SMILE! Not really.
Drinking: Nada
Thinking about: How I should probably go to bed soon.
Listening to: My mom tossing and turning.