//2 pattern sets (scanlines & checkers)

Oct 20, 2005 12:52

Here are two pattern sets for you to use... they're made for Adobe Photoshop. They may work in PSP, but I couldn't tell you how. Some of the patterns may look like they've been repeated, but they're different sizes. For FAQ about patterns, click the cut at the bottom of this entry.

various scan lines, bevel lines, x's and pinstripes


Exmples of use:

bright-colored checkers, varied sizes


Examples of use:

Q: How the hell do I install patterns?
A: Patterns come as .pat files, which are compatible with Adobe Photoshop (I'm not sure if they're also compatible with PSP, but you can try). To install your pattern file, extract it from the .zip file, then move it into the following folder: C:/ ---> Program Files ---> Adobe ---> Photoshop ---> Presets ---> Patterns. There should be a number of .pat files already in that file... just paste in your new one. Next time you open Photoshop, it should be available for use. To be honest, you don't even HAVE to do this... you can open your file from whatever folder it happens to be located in... this method is just a lot easier for keeping all your patterns in the same place for easy access.

Q: Okay. Now how do I load patterns after I've installed them?
A: Open a new canvas. Go to Edit ---> Fill..., and select "Pattern" from the dropdown menu. Click on the pattern dropdown menu, then the little arrow on the right side (much like the arrow on the brush menu). Simply select "Load Pattern" from the menu, and select the pattern file you want to load.

Q: Now that they're installed, how do I use them on artwork?
A: Pretty much in the same way you use any floodfill color or pattern. Go to Edit ---> Fill, select "With Pattern," and floodfill your canvis with the pattern. Easy. You can play with opacity settings, blending options, and layer masks as you please.

If you have any other questions, I'll add to this list.
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