Feb 05, 2007 15:47
I hate it when my mood take a complete nose dive for no reason.
I would really like to go home now, eat comfort food and cry into a pillow.... and it's for absolutely no reason at all.
I think this is a Midol month.
In other news, I have formally notified the Feather Shop that I will not be working Bristol this year. Between work and school it's just going to be too much.
In related news, the online course is interesting. I'm hoping the next segment will help us all get beyond the chit chat phase and into the meat of the texts. There's only a few of us who are trying to have a good discussion, but no one else wants to play along. Well, we're scored on content, not frequency of posting. This week I'm hoping to get the rest of the reading/posting done and start on the first paper and essay and exam. Technically we're supposed to have until the 14th, but I know that if I wait I'll be rushing and I can't do that with everything else. Besided, the sooner I can get done with this segment, the sooner I can start with the next. It's that whole 'getting a jump start on things' thing.
Well, that's my bit, what's yours.
as in i feel like a...