(no subject)

Feb 01, 2005 16:51

I know I been dead for a while I hope u forgive me..... I have a feeling no one reads my journal any more but those who do I'm sorry for being gone for so long...... JUst school takes alot from me now. Its the IB program you know..... Lets see Ummm As for my love life I still like Luke and nothing has happen with that I'm just gonna wait good things comes to those who wait.... Lets hope its true. Ummmm my history day project was grea. I have about 53 more days till I got to london and about 5 or less months till my birthday. I think I got a 63 on my American Gov test damn it I'm trying really hard to get mostly A's so I can get a tattoo this summer. I been looking for colleges that are great for people who want to major in dramatic arts/theater I really like drama I would like to do that for a living. I may have to take some classes after school and stuff or during summer. I dont care. I really got to get better grade I'm working hard. Lets hope it works. I printed out a job applaction for hot topic so I can get a job there when I trun 16 but other then that I am good nothing is going on. Oh today is my Ex-Boyfriend's Birthday. Yay. His name is Anthony. I wish we were still friends cuz I would have called him today and said Happy Birthday. Well I got to go. Oh and I got this for you...........

[01] Reply with your name and I will write something about you.
[02] I will then tell what song[s] remind me of you.
[03] Next, I will tell you who you remind me of, celebrity/animated or otherwise.
[04] Last, i will try to name a single word that best describes you.
[05] Put this in your journal
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