Jan 28, 2007 21:57
Heh, I need a bit more downtime on the weekends. I'm thinking about the upcoming work week, and realizing I'm still just as if not more exhausted as I was at the end of last week. I can't help it though, cause at the same time, its also my only opportunity to actually 'do stuff'. I need a healthier balance. Also I probably need to just sleep better during the week too, cause its not good for me to be getting a majority of my weekly sleep on sunday, hehe.
In other news, work is going well as usual. I'm really starting to connect on an emotional level with what I am doing, cause a number of my efforts are starting to pay off as far as my marketing strategy goes. And the long hours, hard work, and emotionally and physically exhausting weeks fell SO much better when a positive result can be associated with them. That way it doesn't feel like I've been spinning my wheels and not going anywhere.
Yea, 2007 might actually turn out to be a fantastic year for me, all around.