Toward more picturesque insults

Jun 07, 2006 10:05

Jackanapes (Noun)

Pronunciation: ['jæ-kê-neyps]

Definition 1: (1) A domesticated ape or monkey; (2) an annoying child; (3) an impudent fellow.

Usage 1: Today's word has long been slipping from the vernacular, along with "knave," "rogue," "blackguard"-all stout words and true. Vulgarities have all but taken over the range of our insults. This is a shame given the rich variety of insulting characterizations available in the language. We could insult each other with much more panache than we do if we but remembered to use terms like these.

Suggested usage: Four-letter insults all blend into one sense that reflect naught but anger and frustration with one's inability to mine the verbal treasures of English. English has a panoply of terms each focusing on one of the various types of human short-coming: "Jack is a jackanapes who can't keep a civil tongue in his head." "Ken is a knave who enjoys embarrassing his friends with tasteless practical jokes." "Blanche is a blackguard who will betray you whenever it is in her interest." Today's word is a clearly defined piece in the vocabulary of insults we should use to more clearly express ourselves and to prevent their loss.

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They took away my heater. Phooey. Some crap about electrical system and building codes. Bah.
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