Aug 10, 2004 20:42
Fuck Faith
all it is, is a face
A Face on a burning flag
A Flag which Binds us to a brutal leader
A brutal leader that fucks with our minds
and minipulates our Votes
A Fucking Vote
a way to bestow power on a genocidal maniac
a Genocidal Maniac that will use our lives to destroy those of others
Others, Having to fear that Their world is fucked
an Emotion we all feel
An Emotion Only half Are Denied
That half that loves the most will suffer
Being Banned From a Marriage
A Marriage that was never religous to begin with
A pointless being.
A way to remind us that time is NOT on our side.
A Time that shows us that with every second that ticks on the clock is another second that ticks off of our being.....
so Live life to it's Fullest... BE YOU