(no subject)

Apr 24, 2005 04:42

I don't want to talk about whats really going on. I have 1million different things rushing through my head and none of them make sense b.c I won't take the time to make sense of them. Plus I have no one to tell anyway. Instead I get to pick up the pieces of my broken hearted room mate, who instead of helping me, when I needed it badly, put me on hold to talk to his now earstwhile girlfriend. I'm trying to be an adult about everything I have going on, but it's hard when everyone is treating me like a kid.

01. Fallen for your best friend? Nope.
02. Made out with JUST a friend? Yes.
03. Been rejected? I guess.
04. Been in love? I don't know what it was, but it hurt when it left.
05. Been in lust? Yes.
06. Used someone? Yes, and I've felt bad ever since.
07. Been used? Yes.
08. Cheated on someone? He says yes, I say no. I win.
09. Been cheated on? Yes.
10. Been kissed? Yes.
11. Done something you regret? There are somethings.
12. Who was the last person you touched? Eddie.
13. Who was the last person you talked to? Tim.
14. Who was the last person you hugged? Eddie.
15. Who was the last person you instant messaged? Tim.
17. Who was the last person you yelled at? Haven't yelled in a long time.
18. Who was the last person you laughed with? Andrew, Josh and Rien talking about out Disneyland trip.
19. Who was the last person you had a crush on? Tim
21. Who was the last person who broke your heart? For real? It's in the past.
22. Do you color? All the time.
23. Do you have tattoos? Yes.
24. Do you have piercings? Yes.
26. Do you floss daily? I used to, then I got lazy.
27. Do you own a web cam? No.
28. Do you have aim? Yes.
29. Do you care to say what you're wearing? Whale pj's and a R87 hoodie.
30. Do you have a favorite car? My Papa's old scout, I used to love it as a kid.
31. Do you have a favorite place? San fran, and home[Las Vegas for the slow kids].
32. Do you have any best/favorite friends? Ian, hes the only bestfreind that I;ve kept for the past 5 years.
33. What are you listening to? Was listening to Bad Astronaut
34. Can you do anything freakish with your body? I have a double jointed pinky.
35. Chicken or fish? Chicken.
36. Do you have a favorite animal? Kitties.
37. Is ice cream the best thing in the world? It's ok.
38. What facial feature do you find the most attractive? Big noses[not wide or big nostrils though] and crinkles on the eyes.
39. Would you vote for a woman candidate for president? Male, Female, transgender, doesn't matter as long as they're right for the job.
40. Would you marry for money? No.
41. Have you had braces? When I was really younge, and they didn't work.
42. Do you pluck your eyebrows? Yes.
43. Do you ever cut or hurt yourself? N/A
45. Would you live without a computer? I like the computer.
46. Do you drink enough water? Yes.
47. Do you wear shoes in the house or take them off? You're not suposed to wear shoes in the house.
48. What is your favorite fruit? Pulms. and Pears.
49. Do you eat wheat bread or white? Sourdough.
50. How many pairs of shoes do have in your closet? Too many.
51. What is the last movie you saw? Prey for Rock and Roll.
52. Do you kiss on the first date? Yes.
53. Are you photogenic? No.
54. Do you dream in color or black and white? Depends.
55. Are you wearing fingernail polish? Yes, it's clear though.
56. Do you have any dimples? I have one from when I was in an accident.
57. Do you remember being born? No.
58. Do you drink alcohol? Yes.
59. Do you like sunrises or sunsets the most? Depends.
60. Do you want to live to be 100? No.
61. Do you think women should be expected to shave? Eh if she so chooses.
62. Do you like salty food or sugary food the most? Salty, but I do crave sugar sometimes.
63. Is a flat stomach important to you? No.
64. Do you or have you played with a ouija board? No.
65. Are you loyal? Yes.
66. Are you tolerant of other peoples beliefs?Most of the time.
67. When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off? Off.
68. Do you believe in magic? No.
69. Do you have nightmares frequently? Yes.
70. Do you like your nose? It works with my face.
71. Do you think you can draw well? I have these moments where I can, and then other times I suck hardcore.
72. Do you listen to music daily? Yes.
73. Do you like to watch cartoons? Oh yea.
74. Do you live with your parents? Nope.
75. Do you have brothers or sisters? Yes 1 of each and then a step brother
76. Where do you live? Petaluma, California
77. Do you like it there? It's alright.
78. Whats your home town? Las Vegas, Nevada
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