Jennifer Garner is, like, the luckiest woman in the universe. Seriously. Michael Vartan is teh sex, with sprinkles on top.
the fanlisting. for Michael Vaughn, anyway.
He speaks French. In Montreal, that's totally not hot, because no matter what Viggo says, our accents suck. But he has a French from France accent. Yo.
have you heard about The Passion? it's a movie about the last hours of Jesus' life before the Crucifixion - i've heard a lot of good things about it, and i agree after seeing the trailers...
Here's some links I found
Some trailers
The Passion of the Christ (flash)
Other trailers
It will be out on Ash Wednesday, February 25th in the United States.
I may not know you, but I do want to let my brothers and sisters know about this movie. Some people are concerned the movie might be too violent. But let's be honest, the Cross was violent! Crucifixion was a brutal form of execution. When Jesus died for my sins, the nails were real, his flesh broke, and the blood fell. This incredible (and violent) act paid the price that I couldn't pay. After seeing the violence that Jesus may have suffered, I want to know him more, I want to be a more committed follower of Jesus, I want people to know what Jesus did. Because of this, I personally believe it's worth the risk of taking some heat by promoting this movie. So I don't really care about being made fun of for posting a 'religious' message. If you want to help others to realize what Christ did for us, encourage them to see this movie!
later lostintheflood,
- geo10
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