Welcome back me. Again.
The cutest quote ever, thanks to Mr. Boyd.
"Pete wasn't there but he came on to someone's cell phone and so we all spoke to him from the table. And I was just pretending that I was trying to kiss Nicole Kidman and he was like, 'Well, you should.' And I said, 'Well, I can't reach!' It was a fun night. Really good."
=D Yeah.
So, everyone's started calling me a hobbit now. I laugh and whatever, but it's really fucking irritating. I'm 5'1". I'm not actually that short. I mean, I could be shorter. Yea. Which reminds me, I don't know why, that I have a survey from like, Monday that I have to finish. So off to do that in a bit.
Giu (the Giu) got a waterbottle to the face in the lockerroom two nights ago. Looks horrible. He's got gluestitches (not sewed, glued) over his eyebrow, his eye is half closed, and under his eye, he's got this purple blob of a bruise. Looks horrible, poor chap.
I actually wrote porr, instead of poor. Yea. Makes sense. So, yea.
web updates
End Game : Blogged. S'bout it.
Modano FL : added a new member.
Doozler is awesome. Best FTP ever. =D
Maybe I'm desperate.
Anyway. I'm out of here. Adios.