Oct 31, 2006 19:08
You know I'm bored when I'm updating my lj twice in one day. I'm sitting around the Serpentine office waiting for Dolcy to come back so we can bounce. Well possibly bounce. We might hang around and wait for Christos and then go back to my apartment and like play video games and watch bad horror movies. And of course watch bad porn, b/c thats how I fucking roll. hehe. So my halloween costume worked I guess. People didn't quite get it... well some people did. They guessed a zombie. But then it was like zombie nurse, school girl, art teacher, punk rocker, etc etc. I just said that I was all of the above b/c I got tired of explaining what I was. I thought the fishnets and plaid skirt would like make people get it immediatly. But maybe not. Its all good though.
I basically just sat around the school and what not. Chilled with friends. My friends are fucking awesome. I met alot of new people that are cool, which makes me happy. B/c sometimes knowing people that don't suck isn't that bad. I am so goddamn tired though. I don't know why, like I haven't really done anything. Who knows. But it was fun. Good times.
Dolcy is crashing at my house again tonight. And that means that I won't be getting any sleep again and I'll be wondering if shes killed herself with booze or not. God. I fuckin love her though, shes my darker half. I keep hearing these random noises like from down the hall. Its scary. Like what the fuck is goin on down there? I think its just the NYPIRG douches though.
Rachaun has a wonderful afro.
I really want to be at my apartment when Veronica Mars comes on. Like I need to watch it. I don't care what else is goin on, I'm fucking watching Veronica Mars.