In which I go to a gig

Oct 19, 2008 13:37

So I went to a gig on friday, some how still alive from college, my brother decided it was time for us to go and see a screamo band which I have never heard of so we did.
It was a real nice venue as well the stairs brought you out right at the front so we got good places, and the first support band we saw was really good and full of energy AND the lead was SERIOUSLY hot I was like ITS BEEN SO LONG SINCE I'VE SEEN A GOOD LOOKING MALE -faint- and when the head line came on (devil sold his soul) we were RIGHT by the guitarist who was seriously jokes! he was almost smashing his guitar to pieces. The overall feel of the place was really good! and I got a cool T-shirt ^_^

gig, music, hot guys

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