Mar 20, 2005 12:11
lets see, during the day saturday i just watched tv and ate apple sauce then got ready to go see the ring two with everyone.i was scared out of my fricken mind. but some parts were really gay! but we ended up getting kicked out the last 10ish minutes of the movie it was so gay. so we left and stood outside and they said if we dont leave they'll call the cops but we didnt leave so they called so corrine, lin and i jumped in dees get away car as she calls it. i thought it was funny but it wasnt that big of a deal serouisly people were flipping out and it was just funny as hell. but alright so we went over to alyssas what was soo gay to be honest. corrine lin and i sat in the bathroom and i decided i didnt like my hair straight so i got my hair wet and put jel in it and scrunched it haha so we just called people in the bathroom. mike ended up not pickig me up he sprained his ankle skateboarding or some crazy shit like that. so matt picked us up and we were trying to find dustins party but we had no clue where it was we thought it was in hartland esates but it wasnt then we ended up going to linsey westons house and then matt left because alex palmer was comming and we ewre suppose to stay. so we did and just talked to linsey. and just blah so then when alex gets there he was with rj and kendra haha it was funny as hell im like ooh shit. then kenda was rollin and shes like you in my jewerly classs! so they drove us home and it was fucking hilarouis rj was on the phone with rachael torrence or seomthing and shes like your pussy whipped.. why because your fucking whipped and kept saying it was hilarouis. but she said somethign then shes like i love this girl the most because shes in my jewerly class im like haha okay? so we get to corrines and thats when all hell breaks loose. we just drank a little i swore i wasnt drunk. i just had a little buzz. okay a pretty good buzz but whatever thats not the point. so we just had fun i remeber bits and peices of it i remeber telling ben were going to have sex and im better then darian. which i shouldnt have. oh well life goes on but now i have a killer head ache so im going to go to bed. PEACE OUT