Aug 09, 2006 14:41
So yesterday I went to buy my CosmoGirl! (must remember to subscribe) and Ashlee Simpson is on the cover. So I read the article and it was allllll about her nose. So then today I got the mail and my TeenVogue came. (I know. It's like I'm obsessed with magazines.) And guess who there was a story on. Well more like guess what the article was on. Yes. Ashlee Simpson's nose. Both articles had girls opinions and before and after pics and blah blah blah.
My point is that why are we so obsessed with a nose? I mean Ashlee is gorgeous no matter what. And who are we to criticize her? She's a girl and like all girls she had insecurities about herself. And if plastic surgery makes her feel better and let's her be happy, than what's the problem?
So in the articles, they had a bunch of opinions from girls. It's not like that's going to change Ashlee's opinion and make her go back and fix it again so she looks like she used to. It's good we all have differnet views and opinions, but we can't control others. In life we all have to care about ourselves and our wellbeing first. And if something makes us unhappy than the best thing to do is to change it. And that's what Ashlee did. Because why should we just live with something if we know it'll make us feel bad.
So even though it's fairly obvious Ashlee has changed, she's not speaking to the press. To that I say more power to her. Because none of us needs to prove ourselves. She did something to make herself happy, and as long as she's happy, than everything else doesn't matter.
In the articles girls brought up the fact of Ashlee being a rolemodel. What kind of message will this send to her fans and girls out there who are insecure with themselves? What I have to say about this is look at Michael Jackson. Jacko turned himself into a white dude and was on trial for child abuse or molestation. There are alot of Jacko fans out there (I don't know why though) and they aren't all turning themselves snow white and sleeping with little boys. What Ashlee did was nothing compared to Michael Jacksons changes. I don't see anything bad with what she did. I'm a huge fan of her and she is a good role model and one of my many role models. And I'm not gonna go get a nosejob. Just because my rolemodel did something doesn't mean I have to do that.
Also people are saying that Ash is being a faker. They say that she talks about being real and herself but that her nosejob is just something thats conforming. I think that she is staying real. Most importantly to herself. She addressed the issue that she was unhappy with something and she changed it. We all do that. So why is it when a celeb does it we have to freak.
Why do we care so much? Do we have nothing else to do? So to conclude I'll say my new favourite phrase:
What has this country come to?