Recently i made a friend on myspace named lars who asked if he could read my lj.i told him he had to have an account and be added to my friends.So basicly he opened a journal so he could read mine.ok so i guess he read my journal and sent me the following message to my myspace inbox.I'm not sure if its meant to be insulting but it offended me.His wording was negative but i'll give him the credit that if it WAS negative at least he didnt hide behind an anonymous label
hi Renee,
skimmed the first few entries but it was too disturbing
who broke up with who?
so you're adopted?
how old is your son?
so you're moving to California soon?
i'd ask more questions but i'm not a therapist. you have a lot of stuff going on, you really need a therapist to help you sort things out
mostly i am responding to you based on your really pretty face
the only thing i have to contribute, as a youngest son of divorced parents, is that you should not share your feelings about your son's father with your son. (even in retalation, for example against a setup like "mommy doesn't want to see you"). your son will start to take on your emotional burdens, and he is too young to carry that without being hurt
WOW.I DO have alot going on but I'm dealing with it very well.Actually my self esteem and self confidence has sky rocketed since leaving 5 yrs worth of emotional abuse.My son's father and i have a very civil relationship now except for his stupidity last weekend where HE told our son I didnt want to see him.I have never done that,growing up without my father has made me sensitive to these issues.
I dont understand how my entries are disturbing when this journal is about a woman who took herself and her son out of an extremely emotionally violent 5 yr relationship where her son is an audience to DAILY screaming matches and hearing these things said to him by his father: "mommy is mean/stupid/crazy/a bitch".
In California,I have my chance for a new beginning.There i will have a wealth of emotional support,i will learn to drive,be able to work,temporarily have a peaceful home with family then i will have my own.Before the breakup Pete(his dad) was willing and EXCITED about the prospect of moving to cali together.Owning a construction business he can easily start over anywhere.Sooooooooo...if he wanted to he could relocate to be close to his son.