Feb 01, 2005 20:09
y r people so mmature n y does it take me so long to get something n y do i keep having these feelins if they really dont matter...or wont in about 6 2 8 months?
every1 only REALLY cares about 1 person EVER...every1 else,even theyre best friends dont come b4 this person and they will screw every1 over 4 them...only to realize they wee fuckin themselves over too.
every1 is 2faced whether they like it or not n i hate it...i want to just see what some people eally act like when im not around!REALLY!and it just so happens that the people who u dont care about as much r the ones who actually do treat u rite...WHO AGREES?????
i wish i knew how 4 people eSPECIALLY 1 acts when im not around...what their true feelings are,even tho i dont doubt what he says they r...therez always that litle feeling u get tht its not rie u know?