Nov 10, 2004 10:51
I recently erased all of my entries! i guess it was stupid haha! but let me update you! im almost done with this semester! im doing really good with grades ;) yay! and i registered for next semester for bio 210, public speaking, psycology, and algebra! im going to be even busier then! ive been doing work study working for the ATC bookstore! it hasnt been that bad it gives me a lil bit of extra money.. its only like 5.50 an hr but its not taxed be cause it is federal funded! .. other than that me and berry have been doing really well! at least in the "love" area! hehe:) we have been really stressed thought! this past week he side swiped my car with his... i have a dent and red paint on my poor explorer! but that seemed like nothing when kaylee had a febrile seizure early sun morning! it was so scary she was jerking around and really hot! she didnt kno who me and berry were! she couldnt walk for like three hours because she was really weak! finally she got better on sunday afternoon and we were able to go home and finally get some sleep! wed been at the hospital 12 hrs and i hadnt slept in 24! ahh i was exausted! then monday on the way to school my steering wheel went out i had to use all my power to get it off the road.. all these things ended up being wrong with it and it cost 1150 dollars to get fixed! man that really sucked! i finally got it back yesterday! and took kaylee to the doctor and they said they thought she was alright and gave her the flu vaccine.. im glad they gave it to her .. it was only because she was high risk! the country only got half the vaccines this year because of cotaminated ones in brittan! ahh so my doctor didnt give me one! o well i didnt have one last yr and i was fine! but i am sick right now haha! well im off to english 101 im at school right now! lol! ill write again soon! love ,StEph :)-