The good and the bad... The reasons why...

Jul 12, 2005 06:58

I haven't posted in a while, and I've got quite a bit to say (at least I think) soooooo... this might be a long one....

I'm not the greatest decision maker in the world, and I'll be the first to tell you this. At times,  I take too long...  make poor decisions...hurried decisions, etc, etc, etc, and so on and so forth untill the day I die. Somehow, I feel that this time is different. I'm not even completely sure why... but I'm workin on it.The idea of moving back to Marquette is one that I've been toying with for quite some time now, and I'm thouroughly convinced it's the right decision. I'm passing up a promotion and a decent amount of money to do it too, so I'm hoping for the best. I'll admit.... my first little visit with Marquette was a bit of a rough one at fact, I almost dropped out of school mid-year.... I was sick for a third of the time I was there (including once fairly seriously) and quite frankly... I was depressed. But... alot of things have changed since then. One of the biggest problems I encountered up there was this feeling of isolation. When I wanted to take a break and come home... I had to rely on others to get me there, and it didn't always work out. But, I miss the independence I fealt when I was there. I miss the people... the stories...the snow... the school itself. I. Miss. Northern... and that is why I'll be back there next fall.

At the end of my freshman year NMU fealt like somewhat of a bust... I kinda made it that way for myself.... But ... without even trying... Oakland was infinately worse. Kindergarten to present date, I have never had a teacher as bad as the one I had for my intro to India class first semester. I'll spare you the details but BELIEVE me... it was the first C I've recieved in a class since my sophomore year of high school. I didn't meet any new people there ( at least no one worth mentioning)... Not entirely sure me being away was the cause, but ... had a huge falling out period with Megan... Had to abide by my 2 A.M. curfew because I was living at home... had to drive back and forth between home and school.... Basically... it sucked. Wham bam thank you ma'am relationship between O.U. and I.... get my credits, and get the hell out.... At least it was cheap...

Sooooooo what good has come out of this mess???

For starters... It helped me pick a major...I did have one extraordinary class at O.U. ....It wasn't because the professor was amazing or because the work was really easy... on the contrary to that last part... the work was actually quite demanding... which I guess is to be expected out of a 300 level course. But, taking Abnormal Psychology flipped my whole world really. It gave me an entirely new perspective... It wasn't long after, that I decided to change my minor to Sociology too.

Despite the tragic loss of my coveted Volvo.... I've grown quite fond of my new Saturn. It's nice to be able to walk out to my car and know it's going to start. (Except for that one time on new years... which was real fucked up)

Being away for a year made me realize how much I miss Northern...I forgot to mencheon how much I miss being able to go to hockey games......I guess I even miss some of the B.S. that comes along with Marquette...

Being abe to teach donderos drum line turned into a once in a lifetime expierience... seeing as though the program is all but gone after this year. The best part about it was being able to see some of my good friends take the field their entire senior year.Bit of a dissapointing end, but it was deffinaely worth it.  It also kind of opened up some doors in other musical departments. Hanging out and talking with Ryan Gates inspired me to write more often, and I could actually stand to do a bit more of that.

I've been able to hang out with Dave and Scott alot this year... Something I really missed out on last year. We do some crazy shit from time to time... but, now we've got some pretty funny stories to tell in the future...

If I hadn't come home I never would have worked at American Eagle, which despite how much I may bitch about that too, it's the best job I've ever had ( Thank you very much Bryan Beebe for the hook up). I wish it payed a little better, but the hours have been good, and I have an ever expanding wardrobe.... The lack of friendship at school I suppose has been made up for by the relationships I've established at work. We've had some really bad employees come and go (and a handfull of good ones have come and gone as well...Lau, Jay, Pat...) but, the crew we've got right now is pretty awesome.

And last but certainly not least there's Kaylie.... and I might add... ALOT of things had to happen in order for us to even meet... Including, (but certainly not exclusive to) a battle between two stores for her employment. Thankfully... our store won... so after more than a year long hiatus... I'm dating again... and I am addicted to this girl. "Adj.1. addicted - compulsively or phisiologically dependent on something habit-forming." okay... so the deffinition makes it sound kinda crazy, and yes I exaggerate a little bit...but not much I assure you... She has a humor comparable to none I've ever seen, and I love it when she laughs. she's beautiful, and fun, and even though she says she doesn't like to make decisions, I can tell by looking that she knows exactly what she wants...also... despite popular belief ... I love her family....They CRACK me up every time I go over there.They've been more than hospitable, and I'm unbelievably greatful for the things they've done for me in such a short period of time.

Now.... I've worked over 30 hrs in the past three days... this is the 2nd time in those three days that I've watched the sun rise...I'm exhausted.... It's 7A.M. and it's way past my bed time. So good night or good morning... but certainly goodbye.... I've got an entire day off to look forward to...

- Michael J Krist
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